believe in the process


Planning and Process at BLVE


Areas of Practice

Click an area to learn more!

Strategic Planning

Our strategic planning process is centered in the collective of people that uphold the mission of the organization and the people it serves.  We desire to build trust, engage deeply with all of the foundation's stakeholders to build an equitable, engaged and accessible future. 

Our framework for going about the process is through a needs assessment/listening tour with various stakeholders, creating a strategic planning committee with diverse voices so the future planning of the organization is done in community and serves the mission,  and an implementation process with realistic and measurable outcomes.  In our experience, creating circular structures that support reciprocal communication is the foundation for long term sustainability. 


Organizational Assessment + Development

BLVE can provide a quick and thorough organizational assessment by interviewing your team and assessing how you do your work. BLVE will spend the time to observe your team in action and from that glean how your organization functions. We then coalesce this information into an organizational report laying out strategic areas of improvement and assessment.

With decades of experience in non profit organizations of all sizes, we can provide perspective on best practices and other operational models to consider. We work quickly to provide you with a snapshot of your organization so you can begin to consider ways to streamline and build your operations.


Change Management

BLVE understands the unique challenges and opportunities there are in the nonprofit sector.  We help organizations adapt, evolve, and thrive in an ever changing landscape. We believe that though transformation can feel uncomfortable, it can also be done with joy. Our approach is centered on creativity, collaboration, and innovation. We work closely with the communities that each organization serves in order to align mission resonance and create intergenerational commitment that sustains the organization for decades.


Mergers & Partnerships

BLVE views mergers and partnerships as an opportunity for your organization to create a space for shared resources, vitality, and longevity. With decades of collective experience, our team brings a depth of shared knowledge and an abundance of insights encourages clarity and connection to the process. 

Our approach is tailored to the specific needs and goals of your organization, ensuring a personalized strategy that addresses the nuances of each . Our framework of rigorous analysis, strategic foresight, and mindful navigation of the intricacies of partnerships, allows us to move your organization into its next phase with care. 

Recent Mergers:

One Aim Illinois (previously Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and Gun Violence Prevention PAC)


Sunsetting & Closures

Organizational lifecycle is real. Organizations are born, they live and eventually they sunset their operations. If your organization is considering a sunset or closure, BLVE has the team to assist with this normal, difficult and traumatic discussion. Please feel free to reach out to Managing Director Brian Loevner at 773-430-3856 or for information, empathy and pathways to a graceful and celebratory sunsetting.