believe in the process

Serving the US and Canada

Creative Consulting. Powerful Thinking. Supporting Non Profits to Build a Better Future.


At BLVE Consults, we believe in the process.

Our mission is to create stronger organizations by building effective systems and processes and encouraging transformational leadership. BLVE connects you back to the mission and values of your work by building the structure necessary to make the space for creativity, ideas and innovation. We can support and activate your non profit organization right now. Our action and testing based approach is focused in three areas: Planning, Equity and Research.

Here’s Something New…


Change Focused Resource Directory

Arts Leaders! Free Curated Resources!

Over the last 18 months, in partnership with Jane Marsland and with the help of Sedina Fiati, Owais Lightwala, Melissa Tuplin, and many others, BLVE has been working on a curated, shared resource for leaders who are embarking on significant change in their non profit arts and culture organization. This resource was initially created in collaboration with Work in Culture, Metcalf Foundation and the City of Toronto, and then was enhanced by funding from Calgary Arts Development, Rozsa Foundation and Calgary Foundation.

The resource is focused on leadership, change theory, forward thinking, and transparency. This ever evolving tool was created to allow leaders to find resources (articles, books, videos, podcasts, reports, trainings and contacts) to help support their journey in making change at their organization.

This resource is not comprehensive. It is flawed. It is human (or at least created by humans). The good news is that BLVE is committed to continuing to guide the updating and curation of this tool. SO....

Get in touch with thoughts, ideas, concerns, collaborations, broken links, new resources, or anything else that comes to mind. Let's make more resources available to leaders and artists in change process!

This resource is currently being hosted by three organizations and can be accessed at any of the following links:

Calgary Arts Development Future Focus Program Resources - Click Here

WorkinCulture Catalyst and Transformation Fund Resources - Click Here

Forefront Illinois Mission Sustainability Initiative Resources - Click Here




This project pilots a program that allows nonprofit arts organizations to transform their operations into ones
that foster resilience, sustainability and wellbeing instead of perpetuating harm.


Lifecycle Research
Calgary Arts Development - Live Case Study
New Update Released November 3, 2022

BLVE and Calgary Arts Development have partnered to assess their Organizational Structural Grant program, the first program in North America focused directly on supporting arts organizations that are considering a merger, closure or organizational transformation. This program, like similar ones that have since been announced in Toronto and Edmonton, is a step towards normalization of organizational lifecycle for arts and culture organizations. BLVE has, for the last two years, been focused on finding opportunities to support organizations that are faced with existential circumstances. This completed report, which includes four total updates, was created through engagement with grantees and become engaged in assisting Calgary Arts Development in re-launching the 2nd year of the program.


What is Cultural Triage?

Cultural Triage is a movement. Cultural Triage is a call to action for non profit organizations to reconsider their organizational model, assess their place in the industry, and move forward into the post pandemic world in a way that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion. In addition, we encourage the ecology serving our arts and culture communities to engage deeply with the significant changes in organizational models and life cycle happening in our community. Foundations, Service Organizations, Municipalities and other organizations who serve the arts must be ready to change.

In an effort to meet the moment of COVID-19’s impact on arts organizations, we have composed and proposed new ways of thinking. This centers on models of operations which focus on community driven solutions and the reimagining of conventional structures and processes. In Cultural Triage, we propose a grounded method of solution that honors and celebrates an organization’s life cycle.


Let’s Connect

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And, you can always send us a message.